Friday, February 21, 2025

North Carolina Physical Therapy Compact Privilege
and Jurisprudence Exercise Requirement

A PT/PTA Compact Privilege in North Carolina, NOT a PT/PTA license.

NOTE: In North Carolina, Jurisprudence Exercise 1 must be completed within thirty (30) days of purchasing a Compact Privilege (initial and renewal), or you may face disciplinary action.

NC Compact Privilege:

  • NC PT/PTA Compact Privilege is purchased at PT Compact.
  • After purchase, you will receive an email from NCBPTE with instructions. If you do not receive an instructional email within 24 hours, contact

As noted in the PT Compact website; compact privileges are always associated with the expiration date of an indvidual's home state license. All requriements for renewal of the home state license must be completed before renewal of the compact privilege. Renewal of the NC Compact Privilege requires completion of jurisprudence exercise 1; additional continuing competence/education units are not required.

It is your responsibility to know, understand, and follow NC Practice Act and Board Rules found on the Board website.

NOTE: It is your responsibility to notify the board in 30 days (Board rule:21 NCAC 48F. 0105) of any changes in relevant contact information (name, home and/or business address, email, phone numbers) to ensure timely receipt of important correspondence related to licensure and physical therapy regulation in North Carolina.

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