Thursday, February 27, 2025

Applying for a License:
Application Instructions

The North Carolina Board of Physical Therapy Examiners (Board) is a participant in the FSBPT alternate approval pathway (AAP) for exam eligibility for students in CAPTE accredited programs. With the AAP, FSBPT determines eligibility to sit for the National Physical Therapy Exam (NPTE), after receiving confirmation from the school validating a student is on track to graduate. Additional steps are still required by the Board to complete the licensure process.

NOTE: The Board still determines eligibility for Foreign-Educated and Military Trained applicants!

If you have questions or concerns about the application:

  For quickest response Email:

Email is the preferred method of communication. Leaving more than one message may result in a delayed response.

 Phone: 919-490-6393 and leave a voice mail.

Steps to Apply for NPTE Examination

This step applies to Exam applicants only. If the applicant is applying by Endorsement or Exam out of State, skip this step. Go to Apply for a License.

Step 1. Register for the NPTE at Your school must provide verification to FSBPT that you are on track to graduate. After the FSBPT has verified your eligibility, you will receive an Authorization to Test (ATT) email with instructions for reserving a Prometric Testing Center seat. If you require test accommodations, you must request accommodations at the same time you register to take the NPTE.

  • Make a note of your FSBPTID number.
  • If you are a Foreign-Educated applicant, the NC PT Board will make you eligible when your application process is complete.

Step 2. Schedule your exam date and begin your online application process in North Carolina. (This process may take up to 90 days.)

Step 3. Take the exam.

Step 4. Scores for the NPTE will be sent directly to the state you tested through. You may also request a score transfer to other states directly from FSBPT.

****Applicants requiring Special Accommodations for the NPTE should contact FSBPT. FSBPT makes determinations on all Special Accommodations.

A. Apply for a License - Instructions for Completing the Online Application
1. Click on the Application link on the New Application page

Located in the middle of New Application page on the website.

2.Create login

Create a login using your email address. This email address must be an active email that you check regularly and plan to continue to use after your application is submitted. (The email address may be updated through online services at at a later time.)

3. Activate Login

The process will send a link to your email. Go to your email and click the link. (If there are any login issues after clicking the link, wait approximately 15 minutes, then return to the website. If you do not receive a link email for assistance.)

4. Begin your Online Application

Login to begin the application: click the emailed link or return to Click "Apply for PT/PTA License".
The system will walk you through the process. If you have any questions, email
Note: All Military should check ‘yes’ and enter their Military Status on the Military page.
Note: Question on Work Experience -- Exam applicants can enter N/A for work experience since this pertains to work experience after licensure.

*** Note: Saving and Returning at a later time – When moving from one page to another, the last page is saved. You can logout at any time and return.

5. Photo

A passport style photo is required. This needs to be a headshot with a white background in a photo file (i.e. jpg). Passport style photos are available at many drugstores. If your photo was not included, you can mail/email it to the Board separately. (Go to the Uploads Information on the applications page for additional instructions)

Note: **In order for Military fees to be waived: Military applicants will also require proof of Military Identification. A Military ID, Orders or Discharge forms may be uploaded. (Go to the Uploads Information on the applications page for additional instructions). These documents are also accepted via email or fax.

6. Submitting

Once you have completed the online form and clicked ‘Finish’, you may print your submitted application. You will not be able to change anything that has been submitted.

7. Payment

The next step is to provide payment for your application by secure credit card payment. Once payment is received, you will have access to the application documents and services on the website. Note: Military applicants will have the application fee waived; however, payment is required for FBI Fingerprint Criminal Background Check costs.

You have now completed the Online portion of the Application process! For next steps and actions on the part of the applicant, please continue.

B. Complete additional requirements below to complete the application:

Additional Items

All additional required forms listed below are available on the Application page of the Board website. Login is required.

All Applicants should submit the following: (Exam, Endorsement, Military and Foreign-Educated)

  1. FBI fingerprint and criminal record check documents and Release Form: The results may take up to 90 days. Complete this process as soon as possible after you submit and pay for your application. Board staff will email additional instructions once the application and payment are submitted.
    • FBI background checks known as CHRI will be sent to the Board directly from the Department of Public Safety
    • ARI/ERI Form – the applicant will upload this form after completion of the fingerprints (Go to the Uploads Information on the applications page for additional instructions)
  2. Certification of Entry Level Education (Transcripts or Educational Credentials Review): Request the educational program send an official transcript. These documents are either mailed directly from the school to the Board office or emailed to Transcripts sent from the applicant OR Forms without noting the degree or date of graduation cannot be accepted.
    • Note: Foreign educated and Military Trained applicants who did not attend a CAPTE Accredited PT or PTA program will submit an educational credentials review that deemed substantially equivalent to CAPTE education. For more information See Foreign Educated and Military Trained Information.
  3. Character References: Two (2) character references are required. The completed, signed forms must come directly from a reference you have known for more than one (1) year via email or mail.
    • A family member or relative cannot provide a reference.
    • Ask other individuals: a non-relative roommate or classmate, school acquaintances, friends.
    • These may be emailed, mailed or faxed directly from the reference to the NC PT Board. (Do not put any applicant address information in the return mail section of the envelope.)
    References that appear to come from the applicant cannot be used.
  4. NPTE scores: Request your NPTE scores from the testing agency FSBPT ( FSBPT will send scores directly to North Carolina if the exam taker has applied to NC. All other applicants must apply to have the scores transferred:
    • Go to and follow directions for Score Transfer Service.
    • If you do not remember your FSBPT ID number, contact FSBPT online or call 703-299-3100.
    Endorsement and Military Endorsement applicants:
    • License verification: Request a license verification from one state where you hold an active license. The verification must be sent directly to the Board via mail or email to
    • Check with your state Board on the process for that state. Many have an online request process.

    Jurisprudence Exercise I Requirement

  5. Go go, Click on Applications. Click on Jurisprudence Exercises under Additional Information Links. Login, read the directions, and complete the Jurisprudence Exercise I online. Completion of this process is automatically recorded for your application in the Board database. (It will not be recorded in the Continuing Competence activities online report)

  6. Foreign-Trained Applicants only

  7. English Proficiency Requirement – Proof of English Proficiency by taking and obtaining a passing score as approved by the Board on a TOEFL exam, must be submitted directly from ETS to the Board. For additional information go to for additional information.

  8. After completing the application

    Applicants can view their application status via their personal dashboard once they have completed the online application and paid all required non-refundable fees.

    After logging into their personal dashboard, licensees click the plus sign button to open their active application.

    The Board office staff will communicate any issues with the online application either via the notes section on the Applicant status page or email to the applicant.

    Final Steps for Licensure

    After ALL required documents, including a final school transcript and an NPTE passing score are received, the completed application is sent to the Board for review and approval.

    Once the completed application is approved by the Board, applicants will then be licensed.

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