Friday, January 17, 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

As defined by the proposed rules (21 NCAC 48G .0105), continuing competence encompasses “the licensee’s ongoing activities to augment knowledge, skills, behaviors, and abilities related to the practice of physical therapy.”
Points are the units of measure awarded for a continuing competence activity. For example, continuing education courses that offer contact hours or CEU’s will have points awarded as follows: 1 CEU = 10 contact hours, 10 course hours or 10 classroom hours = 10 points. Further explanation of these units is found in rules 21 NCAC 48G .0105, .0109.

To earn a point toward the continuing competence requirement, in categories that are time-based, one point is defined as 50-60 minutes of activity. While a ½ point may be earned for 25-30 minutes of activity, NCBPTE does not recognize units less than ½ point as counting toward the requirement.
The Board’s continuing competence rules establish maximum points (contact hours) not minimum. Live, in-person, activities are not required. The Board built in flexibility when developing the continuing competence categories so licensees can earn points that best meet their learning style and clinical/professional needs. Continuing competence points may be obtained electronically as described below:

21 NCAC 48G .0109 CONTINUING COMPETENCE ACTIVITIES (a) Continuing Education activities are eligible for points as follows:

(1) The maximum number of points allowed during any reporting period for an interactive course offered through electronic media shall be 15. (live webinars) (appropriate for categories indicated by purple arrows) (4) For registered participation in a non-interactive course offered by an approved provider by videotape, satellite transmission, webcast, DVD, or other electronic media, one hour of participation earns one point. The maximum number of points allowed during any reporting period shall be 10. (recorded webinars) (appropriate for categories indicated by red arrows) (8) For completion of a home study physical therapy program furnished by an approved provider, one hour of home study earns one point. The maximum number of points during any one reporting period allowed shall be 10. (can also be online/recorded electronic/live electronic).

No. Upon first licensure, a licensee receives a packet including information and references on Continuing Competence and license renewal requirements. A licensee should confirm that the assigned reporting period begins January 1 AFTER the date of first licensure.

Activities completed prior to the beginning of the first reporting period will not count. Reporting periods may be verified by contacting the Board, or logging in to the Continuing Competence Reporting application on the website.

Continuing Education, Advanced Training (Certification and Recognition), FSBPT Practice Review Tool (PRT), Clinical Education, Presenting/Teaching, Clinical Practice, Professional Membership and Service, Workplace Education/Facility-based Education, Professional Self-Assessment/Reflective Practice, Research and Publishing and the mandatory Jurisprudence Exercise. Additional details for each of the categories may be found in the Rules under 21 NCAC 48G .0109.
Yes. Each category has limitations and maximum points that may be earned toward the requirement. Any maximums or limitations are listed in each rule (21 NCAC 48G .0109). Up to 10 points earned in excess of the requirement may be carried over from one reporting period to the next. Carry over points may not be claimed from Jurisprudence Exercises, Clinical Practice, or Self-Assessment categories.
Links to forms that may be used to document some categories of continuing competence are provided on the Continuing Competence Reporting application on the Board website. Forms available include: Clinical Instructor Documentation and Verification of Clinical Practice. These forms are not mandatory but can assist in recording the required information.
According to the rule, for an audit to be legitimate and maintain the integrity of the process, documentation must be submitted. A copy of the signed non-disclosure agreement and any materials that would fulfill the requirements without breaking the non-disclosure agreement will be required. Decisions about whether these materials meet the requirement will be done on a case-by-case basis.
As stated in the definition of physical therapy in the Practice Act: “Physical therapy” means the evaluation or treatment of “any person” which does not include animals. Course content relating to physical therapy on animals would not count toward points because treatment of animals in NC cannot be referred to as physical therapy. However, the use of animals in physical therapy such as hippotherapy could be included. If the course contained content about hippotherapy and otherwise met the criteria in Rule .0107 it may be counted for continuing competence points.

Approval of Providers and Activities is described in 21 NCAC 48G .0108. The licensee is responsible for determining if a course is approved. In general, any course approved by a Chapter or section of APTA, FSBPT, IACET or a state PT licensure board in the US or Canada is considered approved for points by NCBPTE. If this information is not listed on a course brochure or website, the licensee should call the provider of the continuing education and ask whether the course has been approved. If it has not been approved, the licensee may submit an application for approval to NCBPTE. A licensee should review Rule .0108 for a complete listing of pre-approved providers and view the listing of courses NCBPTE has approved by consulting the Continuing Competence link on the Board website. APTA-NC is also able to approve providers and courses at

Download the application form under the Continuing Competence link on the Board website. Submit the completed application, supporting materials, and fees to the Board. Applications will not be processed without proper fees or all supporting materials.
Yes, a course may be submitted to your provider of choice for review to obtain course approval. You may submit the course to any chapter or section of APTA, any state PT licensure board in the US or Canada or FSBPT for approval. In North Carolina, you may submit to APTA-NC or NCBPTE. Applications and fee requirements may be found online for both of these organizations.
An employer, facility, PT department, organization or individual may become an approved provider for PT continuing competence activities in North Carolina. Approved providers who sponsor continuing education courses are able to have their activities count 1 hour of activity = 1 point. In the workplace education category points are limited to 5; however, if these continuing education courses are offered by the employer who is an “approved provider,” up to 29 points may be earned for PT’s and 19 for PTA’s.

For details on becoming an approved provider, consult the Forms and Resources link under Continuing Competence on the website.

Random audits of licensees will be conducted after each reporting period. Your reporting period is determined by your date of licensure. It is very important that licensees retain evidence of compliance with the continuing competence requirements for a period of 4 years following any reporting period so that they may comply with a possible audit.
All licensees required to keep documentation or “evidence of compliance” for each activity counted toward fulfilling the requirement. Details on what information to document continuing competence activities are found in Rule .0109. At the time of licensure renewal and at the end of your reporting period, you will be prompted to update you online Continuing Competence Report attesting to the completion of your requirement.

In rule 21 NCAC 48G .0109 (h), a reflective practice exercise is described as “a process for a licensee to evaluate current clinical abilities, to establish goals to improve clinical abilities, to develop a plan to meet those goals, and documentation that the objectives are being accomplished.” An approved RPE can be found at the NCBPTE website under Continuing Competence links. Other self-assessment tools may be used if submitted to the Board for approval.

Rule 21 NCAC 48G .0203 describes the requirements for Revival of a Lapsed License.

If you first received your NC PT/PTA license within the last year and/or have not completed your first continuing competence reporting period, you can revive your license by payment. If your NC PT/PTA license has been lapsed for less than five years and you have completed a continuing competence reporting period, you can revive with continuing competence.

For an NC PT/PTA license that has been lapsed for more than five years, you have two options. If your NC PT/PTA license has lapsed and you have a current, active PT/PTA license in another state you can revive by endorsement. If your NC PT/PTA license has been lapsed over five years and you do not have a current, active PT/PTA license in another state, you can revive your NC PT/PTA license by either completing 500 Hours (education and clinical Hours) , or taking and passing the NPTE. Both these options must be pre-approved by the Board office.

For additional information and an application, see Revival Methods.

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