Saturday, February 22, 2025

NCBPTE Continuing Competence Resources:
Professional Self-Assessment/Reflective Practice Exercise

North Carolina PT/PTA licensees may earn points toward their continuing competence requirement for license renewal by completing a Self-Assessment/Reflective Practice Exercise (RPE). There are three options:

  1. Completion of the NCBPTE Self-Assessment/RPE listed below.
  2. Completion of a Board pre-approved, Self-Assessment/RPE* that includes the following elements:
    1. Evaluation of current professional practice abilities,
    2. Establishment of goals to improve those abilities,
    3. Development of a plan of action to meet those goals,
    4. Documentation of accomplishment of the goals.
  3. If you are a school-based physical therapist, completion of the NC DPI Rubric to Evaluate NC School-Based PTs link combined with the school district’s specific School Based PT Summary Rating Form (or similar form) meets Board Rule requirements for an approved Self-Assessment/RPE. (The Board voted in favor of this third option for school-based physical therapists at its December 2022 meeting.)

*For option 2, NC PT/PTA licensees may submit an alternative Self-Assessment/RPE for Board approval prior to completing it. Otherwise, licensees should choose option 1 (appropriate for all PT/PTA licensees) or option 3 (appropriate only for school-based NC PTs) for Self-Assessment/RPE.

For information on the pre-approval process, send an email to and note in subject line: CC Approval Request.

NCBPTE Self-Assessment/RPE

To earn 5 points toward the Self-Assessment Continuing Competence Category, all five parts outlined below must be completed in their entirety with documentation.

The purpose of the exercise is to help NC PT/PTA licensees assess their level of competence, develop professional goals, construct an action plan for improvement, and to track progress toward goals. This exercise can assist NC PT/PTA licensees in the development of a professional road map. As a result, it should be a working document that is referenced and updated on a regular basis throughout the reporting period. Retain a copy of all materials as documentation of the continuing competence activity.

APTA materials are copyrighted and are being used with the express permission of APTA. Any use or reproduction of APTA materials other than for the completion of a professional self-assessment to meet the North Carolina continuing competence requirement is prohibited unless specific permission is obtained from APTA.

Evaluation of current profession practice abilities. (Complete steps 1-3 to satisfy this element of the NCBPTE Self-Assessment/RPE.)

Establishment of goals, development of a plan of action to meet those goals, documentation of accomplishment of the goals. (Complete Steps 4 and 5 to satisfy these elements of the NCBPTE Self-Assessment/RPE.)
  • (4) Reflective Practice Exercise – Professionalism Form (see below)

    After completing Step 2, use the results to complete the NCBPTE’s Reflective Practice Exercise – Professionalism Form (PT or PTA), which will assist the licensee in establishing professional goals, developing a plan of action, and documenting when goals are met.

  • (5) Reflective Practice Exercise – Clinical Practice Form (see below)

    After completing Step 3, use the results to complete the appropriate NCBPTE Reflective Practice Exercise – Clinical Practice Form, which will assist the licensee in establishing clinical goals, developing a plan of action, and documenting when goals are met.

    Appropriate use of each RPE Clinical Practice form is as follows: RPE II is specifically designed for PTAs; RPE III is specifically designed for PTs; and RPE IV is specifically designed to be a generic form which can be used for a NCBPTE pre-approved, clinical practice self-assessment/RPE exercise other than the ones listed in Step 3.

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